Many standard definitions of literacy is the ability to read and write. E.D. Hirsch Jr took the definition of literacy and compiled a list of 5,000 terms of what every literate person should know. Therefore his definition of literacy is much more refined.
I do not think for one to be literate they should know certain facts or names.. If such an list is put forth than it will most certainly show a bias. This is why Hirsch’s list is highly controversial.
Rather than facts or names I feel that people should know certain ideas that will make them successful in the world. These three ideas are:
- Critical Awareness
- Inquiry
- Hard work
From these three ideas, literacy should evolve. I want to know go into each of these ideas and describe why I feel it is important.
Critical Awareness: Critical awareness is the ability to look at the world through a objective eye. It is the ability to see what is invisible to those who do not see the world with such awareness. In order to be critical aware there is a certain body of knowledge needed. Such body of knowledge needs to be free of all biases.
Inquiry: In order to practice inquiry, one must observe the world around without objection to diverse perspectives. I would call this is the “learning” part of literacy. It is allowing others to speak, or the reading of ideas in newspapers, magazines or blogs. Proper practice of inquiry will also lead to respect of others. For further information about how teachers can promote inquire see Ann Margaret Sharp’s Essay, “Philosophic Teaching as Moral Education”.
Hard Work: This is probably the most important idea, because if one wasn’t willing to work hard than critical awareness and inquiry would not be possible. In addition, hard work does not stop; literacy is ever changing and molding in context to the culture that it embodies. Therefore, for one to be literate they must never think they know and understand everything; they must be constantly redefine their ideas in context to the culture(s) present.
When I think of people who are literate, I think about about a professor or teacher who is able to change my perspective on an idea. These are people who are able to make me aware of ideas that I never thought about before. This is typically the teacher or professor that has had the largest impact on my life. Also I feel this person practices these three ideas of literacy that I describe.